Monday, September 7, 2009

Open Mic night with Fishstick.
Domo Arigato Mr Roboto! We are all doing the robot and playing Peanuts. Awesome game by the way.
Me riding/standing on a bike down a steep hill.
The big three wheeled bike thing was pretty boss.

My little cousin and I.
So if you can count Im sure you noticed there are six photos today. I know its kind of cheating but I figured since I hadnt posted in a couple days it was only its Labor Day!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Patty used my camera to take a couple pictures of course he put a big fingerprint on the lens cover before taking them. So sorry for the blurr.
Hanging with friends at the playground.
music and singing

Thursday, September 3, 2009

playing a duet.

Thing 2's amazing eyelashes.
Wow we are all look/smiling/not doing bunny ears/not making faces/ nice.